Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000071_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Fri Nov 7 19:36:39 1997.msg
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From: "Adam Parrott" <parrottsoft@usa.net>
Organization: Parrottsoft, Ltd.
To: "Mr. Giark To You" <giark@hicksville.dyn.ml.org>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 13:56:09 -0600
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Subject: Update on Dungeon stage.
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>> Of course, it's hard to judge Adam's stage... just kidding Adam,
>> I'm sure it will be well impressive when it arrives!!
> I've sent adam a raycasting engine.
> We should be seeing a demo very soon.
hehe, Yes, speaking of which, this is what that mailing is about. As I
may have said before in previous mailings, I have been sweating away
trying to get this thing out, but one thing after another keeps
happening (this being my first time doing a full-fledged raycaster
from SCRATCH). I did enlist the help of John Bintz ("3D master",
hehe), and he offered alot of help, which was mostly suggestions, but
he's been quite busy so he hasn't had a lot of time to help lately.
Fortunately Giark comes to the rescue by offering me a very basic
raycaster he found from an (unknown to me) diskmag, which includes
freely modifiable source. This is good, and I've been reading the docs
and stripping it down to bare-bones figuring it out (hehe, which isn't
hard, what's to figure?).
Anyhow, I've had to rename most of the variables, sort and reorganize
(as well as add to) these 100 lines of mostly uncommented spaghetti
logic. The newly refurbished code is almost ready (and this will, for
source purposes Giark, be released as a special edition of the Cafe
engine), and I should have a demo here in a couple of days.
I will of course notify the List minutes before I send the demo to
Giark, so as to let everyone know (namely those that dosn't visit the
CBATNAM page very often).
`Remember: the only thing that hurts more than paying
income tax is not having to pay income tax.'
Adam Parrott, personal: parrotta@usa.net, work: parrottsoft@usa.net
Member of Team *AMOS* and the IAPA. http://members.tripod.com/~parrottsoft